Monthly Archives: January 2023

How to Prepare Your Vehicle for the Winter

How to Prepare Your Vehicle for the Winter

Winter is a time of year that can be tough on your vehicle. Cold temperatures, snow and ice, and other seasonal elements can all take their toll on auto performance and require extra attention to keep your car running smoothly. To ensure your vehicle is properly prepared for winter weather, it's important to pay attention to a few key maintenance items. Auto repair shop professionals suggest following these winter auto maintenance tips to help you get ready for the cold weather. Winter Auto Maintenance Tips 1. Tire Pressure and Tread Depth Having tires with proper air pressure is essential in any season, but is particularly important in the winter months. Cold temperatures can cause your tire pressure to drop and if it's too low, it can affect handling and fuel economy. Make sure to check your tire pressure often and have it adjusted if necessary. It is also important to inspect the tread depth of your tires before winter weather sets in. The deeper the tread, the better gr ... read more